Coding Resources

As part of my coding journey, I've come across so many links that I bookmarked to check out later and then would find it difficult to find the links that I found really helpful. This is where this resources page started out, to help me locate the links I would want to go back to again. I've found it so useful that I thought that I would share it with others too! As I progress through my coding journey I will add on further links to resources that I have found helpful.

Online Courses


A large range of online video tutorial courses by many different instructors. (Paid / Free)


Online courses on different programming languages and curated career path courses. (Paid / Free)


Online courses on different programming languages. (Free)

The Odin Project

Free comprehensive curriculum will equip you to be a full stack developer, no matter your current experience level. (Free)

Code First Girls

Live courses on programming languages in various course formats - MOOC Sprints (4 weeks), MOOC Challenges, Kickstarter Courses (8 weeks) and CFG degree. (Free)

Development Tools

Visual Studio Code

IDE and code editor. (Free)

Code Sandbox

Online code editor great for collaboration. (Paid / Free)

Code Pen

Online code editor for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases to learn and debug, and find inspiration.. (Paid / Free)


Online code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. (Free)

Git basics, and how to write a git commit message


Website hosting platform. (Paid / Free)

Virtual Machine

The Odin Project shows how to install and setup a virtual machine on a PC with VirtualBox and Xubuntu. (Free)

MySQL Workbench

Visually design, model, generate and manage MySQL databases. (Free)

Online diagram software for creating flowcharts, process diagrams etc. (Free)


Online collaborative interface design tool. (Free)


AI tool, extremely useful for debugging and correcting code (but doesn't always answer correctly, so use with caution and thoroughly check the AI's suggestion). (Free)

Practice Your Programming Skills


Solve programming tasks (kata), different levels and programming languages available.

Frontend Mentor

Frontend web development challenges.

Blogs & Forums

Stack Overflow

The go to place to search for answers or ask your programming question.

Create A Dark Mode

An article by Jake McCambley detailing how to create a toggle colour theme button.

Font Resources

Google Fonts

#1 resource for free webfonts. Over 1500 open source fonts available to use.

Colour Resources

Image Resources


Royalty free stock photos, images and videos. (Free)


Royalty free stock photos and images. (Paid / Free)


Open source image editor. (Free)


Online graphic design tool - can be used to create presentations, videos, social media posts, posters etc. (Paid / Free)

unDraw Illustrations

Open source illustrations. (Free)

Icon Resources

Hero Icons

Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.

Ion Icons

Premium designed icons for use in web, iOS, Android, and desktop apps. Support for SVG and web font. Completely open source, MIT licensed and built by Ionic.

Bootstrap Icons

Free, high quality, open source icon library with over 1,800 icons. Include them anyway you like - SVGs, SVG sprite, or web fonts.

Phosphor Icons

Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations, free and open source.

Site Speed Testing & Optimisation

HTML Resources

MDN HTML Documentation

Full reference documentation for HTML, includes browser compatibility and depreciation information.

CSS Resources

MDN CSS Documentation

Full reference documentation for CSS, includes browser compatibility and depreciation information.

Can I Use?

Provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile browsers.

BEM Naming Convention

A naming convention for CSS classes.

Flexbox Malven

A visual guide to CSS flexbox settings.

Grid Malven

A visual guide to CSS grid settings.

JavaScript Resources